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2024-03-17 19:23 来源:西西手机下载  作者:互联网


·跟Magie The Heart第二次开战之前收集过以下三个魔剑事件(有时限)。
1、Lastation:Slayer「Rumor about a cursed sword」(第二章)
2、Lowee:Evil Mama 「A Sword Meant to Defeat the Deity of Sin」(第二章)
3、Leanbox:Voyager 「Save the World At the Cost of Your Own Life」(第二章)
圣剑结局(外传章节内) ·外传章节初始条件满足的情况下,到Noire和Uni战之前达成以下条件:

支配结局(外传章节内) ·和Noire以及Uni开战时不满足圣剑结局条件即可。

Planeptune结局 ·Planeptune信仰70%以上。
Lastation结局 ·Lastation信仰70%以上。
Lowee结局 ·Lowee信仰70%以上。
Leanbox结局 ·Leanbox信仰70%以上。
大结局 ·各首都结局和真结局条件都不满足。


游民星空 cv:堀江由衣
游民星空 cv:喜多村英梨
游民星空 cv:小倉唯
游民星空 cv:石原夏織
游民星空 cv:田中理恵
游民星空 cv:今井麻美
游民星空 cv:阿澄佳奈
游民星空 cv:佐藤利奈

游民星空 cv:かないみか
1、第六章以后,Planeptune 的信仰50%以上,Information内Neptune处获得Plan[Histoire Introduced]。
2、Planeptune 的信仰75%,并且完成Plan。
游民星空 cv:三瓶由布子
1、第六章以后,Lastation的信仰50%以上,Information内Ms. Manual处获得Plan[Kei Introduced]。
游民星空 cv:仲谷明香
1、第六章以后,Lowee的信仰50%以上,Information内Ms. Manual处获得Plan[Mina Introduced]。
游民星空 cv:小松由佳
1、第六章以后,Leanbox的信仰50%以上,Information内Ms. Manual处获得Plan[Chika Introduced]。
游民星空 cv:植田佳奈
游民星空 cv:酒井香奈子
游民星空 cv:沢城みゆき
游民星空 cv:神田朱未

游民星空 cv:原田ひとみ
游民星空 cv:浅野真澄
游民星空 cv:小松未可子
游民星空 cv:高橋まゆこ
游民星空 cv:nao
游民星空 cv:伊藤かな恵


Nepgear 12500 2900 762 702 684 684 551 577 445 5
Uni 10450 2450 697 648 675 648 588 599 497 5
Rom 10050 3900 580 500 840 775 528 537 578 4
Ram 9700 3700 560 522 876 752 502 553 576 4
Neptune 12200 2540 825 665 605 545 625 565 630 5
Noire 13600 2700 728 688 702 671 573 613 457 5
Blanc 16500 2650 706 815 603 815 454 533 493 4
Vert 11000 3200 692 552 785 652 655 592 552 5
Compa 10400 3920 600 515 800 785 560 560 560 5
IF 10400 2455 701 522 658 653 556 679 482 6
RED 9900 3200 835 493 573 533 715 515 617 6
Broccoli 12500 3600 706 702 702 753 758 763 617 5
5pb. 11450 3700 570 621 832 768 523 619 522 4
Cave 12600 3550 759 697 702 676 583 758 556 6
Falcom 15100 2650 804 804 697 662 560 763 520 5
Cyberconnect2 11000 2900 742 515 702 535 735 763 617 5
MarvelousAQL 11600 3200 752 621 762 672 571 684 482 5
Tekken 16200 2500 779 693 697 565 753 763 450 4
Histoire 9950 3300 605 522 876 747 527 553 581 5
Kei 13600 2700 723 683 707 676 578 608 462 5
Mina 10200 3950 585 505 845 765 523 527 588 5
Chika 10950 3050 757 525 707 515 730 763 612 5


Nepgear 80600 7400 6192 6132 6054 6114 5921 6007 5755 5
Uni 73450 6950 6037 6048 6015 5988 6018 6119 5927 5
Rom 71550 9300 5860 5810 6360 6325 5838 5847 6008 4
Ram 71200 9100 5840 5832 6426 6272 5812 5863 6006 4
Neptune 79700 6980 6345 5975 5765 5765 6115 5965 6180 5
Noire 84100 7200 6377 6118 6117 6071 5976 6133 5707 5
Blanc 90270 7150 6106 6335 5943 6335 5749 5873 5923 4
Vert 75500 7700 6062 5892 6215 6022 6299 6022 6072 5
Compa 71150 9320 5880 5825 6212 6335 5870 5870 5990 5
IF 71105 6955 6019 5874 5951 5953 6167 6109 6093 6
RED 81045 7700 6421 5773 5853 5813 6265 5795 6107 6
Broccoli 80600 8100 6106 6132 6117 6183 6188 6193 6107 5
5pb. 77780 8200 5744 5991 6292 6198 5863 6019 5453 4
Cave 80700 8050 6220 6127 6132 6076 5986 6188 5986 6
Falcom 88870 7150 6324 6324 6127 6032 5870 6193 5944 5
Cyberconnect2 75500 7400 6172 5825 6117 5845 6285 6193 6107 5
MarvelousAQL 77930 7700 6182 5991 6192 6042 6182 6114 6093 5
Tekken 88200 7000 6240 6123 6127 5785 6183 6193 5760 4
Histoire 71450 8700 5885 5862 6426 6267 5837 5863 6011 5
Kei 84100 7200 6372 6113 6122 6076 5981 6128 5712 5
Mina 71700 9350 5865 5815 6365 6315 5833 5837 6018 5
Chika 75450 7550 6187 5835 6122 5825 6280 6193 6102 5

战斗名 上升信仰 下降信仰 讨伐敌人 报酬 出现时期 怪物掉落物品
Many Dogoos 紫+5% 绿-5% Dogoo x 4 10000C
Healing Drink×3
初期 Dogoo Jelly
Metabolic Syndrome 黑+5% 绿-5% Metabolic Dragoo 10000C
Special Drink C×2
Black Clover
Grand Jelly
Dogoos on Parade 绿+5% 黑-5% Dogoo
Red Dogoo
Heretical Dogoo
Nep Bull×3
Dogoo Jelly Orange Jelly
Heretical Jelly Grand Jelly
Invasion! Dear Deer 白+5% 绿-5% Deer Girl x 4 10000C
Large Medal N
Dot Antenna
Beastly Invader 紫+5% 白-5% Meowvader
Meowvader Whisker
Wriggling Tail
Blcok Nose
Dot Ears
Plain Assailant 白+5% 紫-5% Pixelvader x 2
Babyvader x 2
Dot Antenna
Green Plate
Conquest Campaign 白+5% 黑-5% Pixelvader
Dot Antenna
Green Plate
Meowvader Whisker
Wriggling Tail
Weapon Prototype 紫+5% 白-5% Bug x 4体 10000C
Life Fragment×3
Small Conductor
Syndicate's Prototype 黑+5% 紫-5% M-3 Zero Model x 2 10000C
INT Booster×3
Illegal Chip
Anti-CPU Weapon 绿+5% 白-5% Fang x 2
R-4 Custom x 2
AGI Booster×2
Plan:Healing Bottle
Small Conductor
Illegal Chip
Destroy all Machines 紫+5% 黑-5% Dragoon x 2 10000C
STR Booster×3
Plan:Vintage Rifle
Small Conductor
Small and White 黑+5% 绿-5% Arie Hoek
Red Petal
Yellow Petal
Blue Petal
Sunflower Field 绿+5% 白-5% Scarlet Obara
Linda of Fire
Velvet Queen
SP Charger×2
Red Seed
Sunflowery Seed
Yellow Seed
Terror!Man-eating Plant 白+5% 紫-5% Shark Plant
Elegant Lady
Ruby Lass
Exuberant Fragment×2
Piranha Petal
Yellow Petal
Sunflowery Seed
Conquer the Yandere 紫+5% 白-5% Old Pal's Chronicle x 4 10000C
Conquer the Child 黑+5% 绿-5% Loli Prince x 4 10000C
Healing Drink×2
Wow,What a Stud 绿+5% 白-5% Tera Hunk x 4 10000C
P・SP Charger×3
Stalking Stalk
World the CPU Knows 紫+5% 黑-5% Stalking Sister
Shimamo's Brother
Special Drink C×3
Silver Sword
6章 Tokimeki
Stalking Stalk
Stalking Stalk
Outburst 白+5% 紫-5% Giant Spider x 3 10000C
Nep Bull×3
Spider Web
Outburst Swarm 紫+5% 绿-5% Ogre Widow x 2
Demon Widow x 2
Nep Bull×3
Plan:Bloody Claw
Venomous Spider Web
Paralysis Web
Outburst Multiply 绿+5% 紫-5% Arakhne x 4 35000C
Special Drink C×2
Lethal Spider Web
Kitty Paradise 黑+5% 白-5% Rebel Lynx x 2
Tom x 2
Hoinin Tentacles Gang Mask
Dog-Eat-Dog 白+5% ラ黑-5% Chickie
Coyote x 2
Nep Bull×2
Bird's Kingly Crown
Newly Laid Egg
Earth Ripper
Fiery Fury 绿+5% 紫-5% Bogey x 4 35000C
P・SP Charger×3
Large Medal T
Freezing Claws
Skeleton SD 紫+5% 黑-5% Skeleton Fish x 4 35000C
Fish Skeleton
Fish Off 白+5% 绿-5% Orc x 2 35000C
AGI Booster×3
Plaid Dolphin Tail
Grave Boss Fishing 绿+5% 紫-5% Beluga x 2
Latimeria x 2
STR Booster×3
Dolphin Check Tail
Sea God Tail
Bonno Training 黑+5% 白-5% Honorary Professor x 2
Teritomino x 2
INT Booster×3
Stellar Frames
Purple Block
Horsebird Farm 紫+5% 黑-5% Pegasus
Deep Impulse
Midsummer Nightmare
Exuberant Fragment×3
Plan:Revival Pen
Horsebird tail Horsebird Wing Horsebird Mane
Graveyard's Dragon 白+5% 绿-5% Crescent Dragon
Next-gen Bit
Plan:Dogoo Pencil
Plan:Bladed Hammer
Dragon Claws
Small Conductor
Iron Curtain 绿+5% 白-5% Magic Stone x 2
Bit Neo
Plan:Melee Pencil
Lucky Dogoo Pencil
Die Pencil
Magic Stone
Illegal Conductor
Small Conductor
Twin Fortresses 黑+5% 紫-5% ACE-KAED
Magic Boy
Magic Girl
Plan:Yellow Staff
Plan:Blue Wand
Illegal Conductor
Moonlight Shadow
Shadow Ribbon
Planeptune's CPU 紫+5% 绿-5% Fake Purple Heart 55000C
STR Booster Z×2
终章 ——
Planeptune's CPU Candidate 紫+5% 黑-5% Fake Purple Sister 55000C
STR Booster Z×2
Hyper Beam Saber
Leanbox's CPU 绿+5% 紫-5% Fake Green Heart 55000C
INT Booster Z×2
Lastation's CPU 黑+5% 紫-5% Fake Black Heart 55000C
AGI Booster Z×2
Phantom Blade
Lastation's CPU Candidate 黑+5% 白-5% Fake Black Sister 55000C
AGI Booster Z×2
Hunting Model
Lowee's CPU 白+5% 黑-5% Fake White Heart 55000C
The Mediator
Lowee's CPU Candidate Rom 白+5% 紫-5% Fake White Heart Rom 55000C
Plan:Black Wand
Lowee's CPU Candidate Ram 白+5% 绿-5% Fake White Heart Ram 55000C
Plan:Black Staff
Alfa Scorpii 绿+5% 紫-5% Antares 70000C
Hero Drink×2
添加竞技场敌人 New Magic Dampener
Clockwork God 黑+5% 绿-5% Deus Ex Machine 70000C
Hero Drink C×3
Plan:Energy Lump
Planet Crusher
Pronged Magic Damp.
Murderous Drive 绿+5% 白-5% Killachine Mk-2 70000C
Compa's Band-Aid Kit×2
Plan:King's Claw
6-fold Magic Damp.
Will of Justice 白+5% 黑-5% Hero Craft 70000C
Healing Bottle×3
Hard Cover
Rival 紫+5% 绿-5% Rival Craft 70000C
Exuberant Lump×2
Gae Bolg
Alloy Plate
Will Passed Down 黑+5% 紫-5% Opportune 70000C
Revival Pen×2
Orichalcum Plate
Shiva's Visit 紫+5% 白-5% Shiva 80000C
Super Panacea×3
Memory of That Day
Hakkei Hinokami Summoned 绿+5% 黑-5% Hakkei Hinokami 80000C
Revival Pen×3
Evil Eye
Forest God Summoned 紫+5% 绿-5% Forest God 80000C
Nep Bull EX-II×2
Plan:Kiryu Sword
Large Medal X
Dragon Soul
Underling's Challenge 黑+5% 白-5% Underling 100000C
Nep Bull SP×3
Plan:Dragon Killer
Iron Pipe
Underling's Challenge 2 绿+5% 紫-5% Underling 100000C
Plan:Mutant Blood
Iron Pipe
Gehad's Rat 紫+5% 黑-5% Gehachu 100000C
Compa's Band-Aid Kit×2
Plan:Iron Lance
Huge Pirate Ball
Heavenly Judgment 白+5% 绿-5% Alkaid 100000C
AGI Booster Z×3
Steel Hammer
Dancing Controller
Angels' Arrival 黑+5% 白-5% Doomsday Messenger 100000C
AGI Booster×3
Plan:CPU Crusher
Guitar Controller
Universal Hero's Birth 白+5% 紫-5% Galactic Riser 100000C
STR Booster Z×3
Plan:Royal Toy Set
Visual Memory 8X
Fullmetal Hero 黑+5% 绿-5% Zelgallion 100000C
STR Booster Z×3
Plan:Linear Railgun
Visual Memory 16X
Love Lil' Girls 白+5% 黑-5% Replicant 100000C
INT Booster Z×3
Plan:Laughing Gema
Tough Replay
I'll Lick Ya 绿+5% 紫-5% Grafchocolo 100000C
INT Booster Z×3
Reaction Play
Arfoire Returns 紫+5% 绿-5% Deity Of Sin Arfoire 100000C
Compa's Medical Kit×3
Dark Soul
Arfoire Awakens 绿+5% 白-5% True Arfoire 100000C
Nep Bull EX-II×2
Plan:C-Heart Tome
Arfoire Crystal
Name's Delphinus 白+5% 黑-5% Delphinus 100000C
P. SP Charger 2×3
Plan:Delphinus Tome
Delphinus Crystal
Adult Training 绿+5% 白-5% Dr. Yamashima x 2体
Dr. Kamashima x 2体
Nep Bull×2
[Add Colosseum Fight]
Armored Dragoons 黑+5% 绿-5% Azel 150000C
STR Booster×2
Death Dragonslayer
[Add Colosseum Fight]
Steel Soul 紫+5% 黑-5% Banpreios 150000C
AGI Booster×2
B.K. True Deity
[Add Colosseum Fight]
Iron Device 黑+5% 紫-5% Disaster 150000C
Revival Pencil×3
Magic Blood Twins
[Add Colosseum Fight]
Dogoo Overload 绿+5% 紫-5% Obese Dogoo 150000C
Special Drink H×2
対[Add Colosseum Fight]加
Deathstar 黑+5% 绿-5% Nemesis 250000C
AGI Booster Z×2
Gate Keeper Alpha
[Add Colosseum Fight]
Gamer Legend 白+5% 黑-5% Mekidrygar 250000C
STR Booster Z×3
Star Rod
[Add Colosseum Fight]
Goddess of Calamity 绿+5% 紫-5% Flash Heart 250000C
Revival Pen×3
Elite Spear
[Add Colosseum Fight]
Remains of Gamindustri 紫+5% 白-5% True Legacy 250000C
P・SP Charger 2×2
[Add Colosseum Fight]
Codename X3 紫+5% 黑-5% XXX-3 300000C
Infiltration! Dev. Facility 黑+5% 紫-5% Proto Killachine 300000C
Gate Keeper
Destroy New Danger 白+5% 绿-5% New Type 300000C
Super Black Wand
Target:Exe Type 绿+5% 白-5% Exe Type 300000C
Black Staff EXE
Hunter of the Seas 紫+5% 黑-5% Killer Whale 600000C
Test Potion Z
Death Swim 黑+5% 紫-5% Dead Fish 600000C
Re Veila Esmeralda
Great Ocean Ruler 白+5% 绿-5% Ocean Whale 600000C
Revival Pen×5
Celestia Bangle
The Immovable 绿+5% 白-5% Grand Turtle 600000C
Super Panacea×5
Candidate Aegis
CPU Aegis
Dawn 紫+5% 黑-5% Fafnir 900000C
Bottomless Dark 黑+5% 紫-5% Vritra 900000C
Dragon of Doom 白+5% 绿-5% Azi Dahaka 900000C
Eternal Calamity 绿+5% 白-5% hakyokumagatsu Hinokami 900000C
Crystal Sword

任务等级 任务名 上升信仰 下降信仰 内容 报酬 备注
E 【Hunt】Defeating Dogoos 紫+2% 红-2% 消灭Dogoo x 3 250C
Healing Grass×2
E 【Hunt】Super Strategy - Spa Lord - 紫+2% 红-2% 消灭Radisher x 3 250C
D 【Find】Plum-Mets A-Poppin' 白+3% 绿-3% Plum-met Piece × 3 4000C
D 【Find】Bespectacled Wishes 白+3% 紫-3% Stellar Frames × 2 4000C
E 【Hunt】No More Summer Breaks! 白+2% 红-2% 消灭Terist x 3
消灭Lionvader x 5

任务名 上升信仰 下降信仰 内容 报酬 备注
For Me,Please? 红+7% 紫-7% 消灭Ultra Shampuru x 1 20000C
Classical Maid
Measurements W
Performance Test! 紫+7% 绿-7% 消灭Deus Ex Machina x 1 60000C
Black Heart Apron
Sweets B
Large Medal S
Steeeeee-rike! 白+7% 黑-7% Small Whale Ball × 1 70000C
Special H
Large Medal O

任务名 上升信仰 下降信仰 内容 报酬 备注
Blub,Bub 红+6% 紫-6% Blaze Whale x 2 20000C
Wasteland H
Measurements L
Schoolgirl Battlers 白+6% 紫-6% Yayozu Hinokami x 2 20000C
Sweets H
A New Challenger! 红+6% 白-6% Sealed Calamity x 2 40000C
Spectral L

任务名 上升信仰 下降信仰 内容 报酬 备注
術式道具 绿+5% 黑-5% 古龍の…なんかの珠×1 20000C
Overprotective? 紫+5% 黑-5% Wood Shell × 3 50000C
Mint Hat
Wasteland S
Large Medal M

任务名 上升信仰 下降信仰 内容 报酬 备注
Avenge my Cousin! 紫+4% 红-4& Fenrisulfr x 1 2000C
AGI Booster
Nep Bull
Life Fragment
God Eaters 紫+4% 黑-4% Dolphin x 1 2500C
Spectral B
Hero Drink
Life Fragment
Magical Glacier Wolf 白+4% 红-4% Ice Fenrir x 1 3500C
Wasteland L
Large Medal L
Life Fragment
Slay the Dragon 绿+4% 红-4% Elemental Dragon x 1 5000C
Sweets S
Exuberant Fragment
Eject Button
Fiery Mane 黑+4% 白-4% Flame Fenrir x 1 6000C
Swimwear W
Exuberant Fragment
Eject Button
Seeking Big Business 绿+4% 紫-4% R4i-SDHC x 1 4000C
Measurements H
Anti-Social Roar 黑+4% 紫-4% Demonic Fenrir x 1 8000C
Super Panacea
P. SP Charger
Exuberant Fragment
Ruler of Dreams 绿+4% 红-4% Plaid Dolphin x 1 12500C
Healing Bottle
Hero Drink C
Revival Pencil
Urgent Quest 黑+4% 紫-4% Dolichorhynchops x 1 35000C
Nep Bull SP
Revival Pencil
INT Booster Z
Tale of the Magic Wolf 白+4% 绿-4% Vanargandr x 3 45000C
Measurements S
Revival Pencil
AGI Booster Z
Hmhm 绿+4% 黑-4% Guardragon x 2 60000C
Sweets W
Exuberant Lump
STR Booster Z
Removal of Contact Restrictions 紫+4% 红-4% Dagon x 1 75000C
Swimwear L
Nep Bull SP
Compa's Medical Kit

任务名 上升信仰 下降信仰 内容 报酬 备注
Seeking Nep Bull 紫+3% 红-3% Nep Bull×1 500C
Silver Anklet
Idling My Start 绿+3% 紫-3% Dot Antenna × 2 300C
SP Charger × 2
Training Regimen 紫+3% 红-3% Herb×3 150C
I'll Never Stop! 黑+3% 紫-3% Yellow Petal × 2
Rock × 3
Leather Bracelet
Three Kingdoms Lover 红+3% 黑-3% Spider Web × 2 100C
Crimson Leafy Bow
Please,nya. 紫+3% 绿-3% Cardboard × 3 250C
Eject Button
Bustification Project 红+3% 黑-3% Seashell × 4
Healing Herb × 4
Technique Patch
CPU Candidate Bust Project 红+3% 黑-3% Fish Skeleton×2 300C
Gamindustri Invasion! 绿+3% 紫-3% Small Conductor × 3
Bomb Fuse × 3
Steel Bracelet
About Spoilers 紫+3% 黑-3% Blue Petal × 3 350C
P. SP Charger
Big Boobs,As Wished 红+3% 白-3% Mottled Antenna × 3 2000C
Lost Pon-Pon 黑+3% 白-3% Polyhedron × 3 2000C
White Cat Lion 黑+3% 白-3% Sunflowery Seed × 3
Pumpkin Lantern × 3
Large Medal D
On Leanbox Women's Busts 红+3% 绿-3% Plumindigo Piece × 3 7000C
INT Booster×2
Hyahaha!New Frontier! 绿+3% 红-3% Hoodlum Mask × 3 9000C
Cross Bracelet
One Day,One Stipulation 绿+3% 黑-3% Soccer Ball × 5 10000C
Hero Drink×2
Lastation Crows 黑+3% 白-3% Rainbow Wing × 6 30000C
Swimwear S
Swimwear B
Elephant Man Becomes a Star 黑+3% 绿-3% Calico Whisker × 5 20000C
Large Medal P
INT Booster
Teacher's Melancholy 黑+3% 紫-3% Metal Jelly 55555C
Black Cat Ears
Revival Pencil×2
Eject Buttonx2
Godly Materials Needed! 绿+3% 黑-3% Whirling Tail × 3 25000C
Black D-Clips
Troublesome Company 黑+3% 白-3% Blue Seed × 5 20000C
Blood Ribbon
Blood Dress
Stolen Crown 黑+3% 紫-3% Bird's Silver Crown × 3 40000C
Weaved band
Sweets L
Spot of the Cow 白+3% 绿-3% S. Plum-met Piece × 5 40000C
White Cat Ears
Looking for Eggs 白+3% 紫-3% Newly Laid Egg × 5 6500C
Cat Ear Band
AGI Booster Z×2
3D Love Phenomenon 白+3% 红-3% Red Block×5 75000C
Nep Bull SP×2
STR Booster Z×2
Last Herb Tale 黑+3% 紫-3% Plom-met Piece × 7 50000C
Wasteland W
Boy's Bathroom Game 紫+3% 白-3% Plam-met Piece × 5 90000C
Healing Bottle×2
P・SP Charger×2
Project Blanc 紫+3% 红-3% Stalking Stalk × 5 50000C
Spectral S
Annoying! 白+3% 黑-3% Slippery Wing × 5 75000C
Gothic Maid
Best Salaryman Ever 绿+3% 白-3% Magical Contract × 4 75000C
Gothic Maid
Spectral W
Star Block Nose 绿+3% 紫-3% Firm Block Nose × 1 65000C
Military Ribbon
On the Bench 黑+3% 绿-3% Teppachi × 3 65000C
Military Dress
Land of Origin 黑+3% 红-3% World Tree Leaf × 5
Watermelon Skin × 5
Scholar Hat
Talk of the Century 黑+3% 红-3% Space Antenna × 4 85000C
Scholar Set
Planeptune Restoration 紫+3% 红-3% Magic Stone × 5
Orichalcum × 5
Gold Ore × 5
Elite Dress
Elite Ribbon
All Eyes on Her 绿+3% 紫-3% Carroteer Leaf × 3 75000C
Metal Dress
Metal Ribbon

任务名 上升信仰 下降信仰 内容 报酬 备注
For Her Sake 白+2% 紫-2% Fungus x 3 300C
Lucky Band
Emergency Hunting Request 紫+2% 红-2% Real Gamer 500C
Leather Armlet
Request from Histy(?) 紫+2% 红-2% Clyde x 5
Ms. Clyde x 5
Life Fragment
Protect Neptune 紫+2% 红-2% M-3 x 2 500C
Move Memory
Merry Messy Memorial 黑+2% 红-2% Hoinin x 3 200C
Healing Grass×2
Assailants 黑+2% 白-2% Piranha Flower x 3 200C
Anannymouse Conspiracy 黑+2% 红-2% Babyvader x 6 250C
Anannymouse Hideout 黑+2% 红-2% R-4 x 2
Bit x 6
Steel Armlet
Outburst 黑+2% 紫-2% Red Dogoo x 4
Elephantvader x 4
Anti-Poison Pin
Scrubbing Vestiges 黑+2% 白-2% Delinquent Cat x 5 250C
Healing Pod×2
Kuthru Love Stalker 黑+2% 红-2% Bashful x 5
Ms. Bashful x 5
Inappropriate,Perhaps 红+2% 白-2% Bunnyvader x 6 1500C
Anti-Seal Pin
Lowee Basilicom Request 白+2% 红-2% Terits x 5 2000C
Eating Alone 紫+2% 红-2% Kupokitty x 5 1000C
Mini Top Hat
DSTT Destruction Derby 白+2% 黑-2% DSTT x 5 2000C
Anti-Paralyze Pin
Invaders From Space 紫+2% 白-2% Poxvader x 4 2500C
Cat Ears
The Day Lowee Stood Still 白+2% 红-2% Tetsri x 5 2500C
Wizard Hat
Gal Can 紫+2% 白-2% Tokimeki Sister x 3 2000C
Plaid Ribbon
The Forbidden Beat-up 绿+2% 紫-2% Cardbird x 5 5000C
Leanbox SMD 绿+2% 红-2% Red Babyvader x 4 6000C
Nep Bull×2
Attack of the Ex! 绿+2% 黑-2% Blinky x 5
Ms. Blinky x 5
Exuberant Fragment×2
In Vert We Trust 绿+2% 红-2% Apeldoom x 5 6000C
AGI Booster×2
Ahh!My Dearest Vert! 绿+2% 红-2% Ms. Bomb-omburai x 5
Pal Shell x 5
STR Booster×2
Noisy Band 白+2% 紫-2% Weirdo Shadow x 5
Sicko Shadow x 5
Greedy Shadow x 5
Nep Bull C×2
Initial [Y] Occupation 绿+2% 红-2% Super FX Doctor x 5 7500C
Eject Button×2
No Forgiveness 紫+2% 红-2% EDGE x 3 8000C
Cross Armlet
Reap the Grassy Field 紫+2% 黑-2% Moulin Rouge x 6 9000C
Nep Bull C×2
Happy Nue 白+2% 红-2% Meow x 5 9000C
Danger!Fourlympics 紫+2% 红-2% Meowvader x 5
Harevader x 5
Healing Drink×3
Let Us Cling To Get Her! 绿+2% 白-2% Eggplanter x 5
Met Froggy x 5
Hero Drink C×2
Doggie Bag 黑+2% 紫-2% Tarantula x 5 20000C
Eject Button
Toshiaki's Request 绿+2% 紫-2% Fat Horsebird x 3 15000C
Members Wanted 绿+2% 黑-2% Swinevader x 6 17500C
Flower Hat
Masayuki's Dungeon 白+2% 红-2% Disc x 5 20000C
Special Drink C×2
Smoke Signals of Retaliation 黑+2% 红-2% Inky x 5
Ms. Inky x 5
Plasma Sword
Filth Disinfectant! 绿+2% 紫-2% Aimable x 4 30000C
Rune Bangle
Harakiri Banzai! 黑+2% 红-2% Ganglord Panther x 4 30000C
Rune Armlet
Sunflower Boy 绿+2% 红-2% Lady Sun x 4 30000C
Wish Band
Narumidrop 白+2% 绿-2% Leovader x 6 35000C
Hitting Patch
Beyond the Red Door 绿+2% 紫-2% Speedy x 5
Ms. Speedy x 5
Angel Nurse
Help the Guild 黑+2% 红-2% Numbing Spider x 5 25000C
Princess Ribbon
For Love of the Tome 黑+2% 白-2% Dark Disc x 5 35000C
Nurse Cap
Nep Fanatic Segregation 白+2% 紫-2% Pinky x 9
Ms. Pinky x 9
Super Panacea×2
INT Booster Zx2
Working at the Basilicom 黑+2% 红-2% Deadly Spider x 9 30000C
Princess Ribbon
Princess Type-N
Lord of FLeas 白+2% 紫-2% King Cardbird x 5 30000C
Black Nurse
Inafunasshi! 白+2% 绿-2% Monkey Balancer x 5 30000C
Hunter Ribbon
Hunter Dress
Moving,nya. 黑+2% 白-2% Betavader x 7 50000C
Metal Eyepatch
Shadow Girl Rides a Cloud 白+2% 绿-2% Nanovader x 6 50000C
Wasteland B
HELLCAT Sets Out 黑+2% 绿-2% Testri x 5 50000C
Black Cat Ears
Brainy Fishman 紫+2% 白-2% Coelacanth x 5 65000C
White Cat Ears
A Beautiful Legend's Origin 黑+2% 白-2% Tricky Horsebird x 5 85000C
Measurements B

蓝字为极度推荐搭配技能。例如Eject Button瞬间弹出迷宫方便刷宝;地图砍怪,地图砍怪获得经验道具方便割草无双等。
名字 效果 容量需求 必要素材/讨伐敌人 必要条件 获得方法
Menu Voices 变声 1 Small Conductor×1 - 第2章:信息收集
Brown Mania 眉毛变屌一些 1 Gang Mask×2 - Stella小游戏通过Rebeat Resort
EXP Up 经验获得提高 256 $ Violin×3
Magical Fragment×2
- Nihil掉落 Virtua Forest - Depths
Super EXP UP 经验获得大幅提高 1 Dogoo JElly×1 - DLC
Credits Up 金钱获得提高 256 Iron Shell×1 - Powerlevel Island隐藏宝箱
Destroy Symbols 地图直接砍怪 比怪等级高直接秒 8 Large Pincer×1
Fish Skeleton×2
- 第2章:大地图信息收集Blogger
Symbol Attack Gains 地图砍怪也能获得道具和经验 256 Disc Shard×1
Wood Shell×1
- God of Woe掉落 Gamindustri Graveyard
Eyes All Over 不被爆菊 256 Old Dragon...Huh?×1
Jet-Black Scale×2
- Crescent Dragon掉落 Gapain Field
Guaranteed Symbol Attack 必定先至攻击 512 6-fold Magic Damp.×1
Numb Jelly×2
- Tough Flame Fenrir掉落 Underverse - Depths
Jumping Star 跳的高一点 8 Holy Whale Ball×1
Unexploded Shell×1
- 第4章:大地图信息收集Blogger
Laplace's Eye 能看到隐藏宝箱 32 Venom Ribbon×2
Stinky Mud×2
- 第5章:大地图信息收集Suzutaku
Sneaking Scope 看到敌人视线范围 32 Newbie Nurse Cap×1
Sharp Fang×2
- 第5章:大地图信息收集Yoshioka
Treasure Hunter 物品掉率提高 128 Dolphin Tail×1
Pachimon Circuit×1
- Hero Craft掉落 Midcompany
Colosseum Unlock 第五章竞技场解禁 128 Old Dragon...Horn×1 - 第5章:大地图信息收集Veteran Creator
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Electric FIn×1 - 第2章:信息收集Veteran Hunter(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Carroteer Leaf×3 - 第3章:信息收集Hot-Blooded Merc(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Nice Antenna×3 - 第3章:信息收集Takanashi Pro(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Bomb Beards×3 - Cyberconnect2加入后:信息收集Saturn Shiro(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Teppachi×3 - MarvelousAQL加入后:信息收集2D Dude(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Firm Block Nose×3 - Tekken加入后:信息收集Keeper(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Fancy Jelly×1 - Kei Jinguji加入后:信息收集(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 God Soul×1 - Mina Nishizawa加入后:信息收集(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Rare Plate×1 - Chika Hakozaki加入后:信息收集(2周目)
Add Colosseum Fight 添加竞技场敌人 16 Hell's Mane×1 - Histoire加入后:信息收集(2周目)
Histoire Introduced Histoire加入 1024 New Magic Dampener×1 Planeptune信仰75%以上 第6章:信息收集
Kei Introduced Kei加入 1024 Electric Switch×1 Lastation信仰75%以上 第6章:信息收集
Mina Introduced Mina加入 1024 Ancient Shell×1 Lowee信仰75%以上 第6章:信息收集
Chika Introduced Chika加入 1024 Small Whale Ball×1 Leanbox信仰75%以上 第6章:信息收集
Stella's ☆Dungeon Unlocked 小游戏解禁 8 Grand Jelly×1 - 第1章:信息收集
Neptral Tower 解锁NEP塔 1 Fungus's Spores×2 - Stella小游戏通过Virtua Forest - Depths
Sun Key 解锁NEP塔层数 1 Disc Shard×2 - Stella小游戏通过Gamindustri Graveyard
Moon Key 解锁NEP塔层数 1 Fancy Jelly×1 - Stella小游戏通过Trinity Marsh
Felis Insurance 探索失败不损失道具 1 Gold Makin' Staff×1 - Stella小游戏通过True Neptral Tower
Felis Insurance 探索失败不损失道具 1 Herb×1 - DLC
Felis EXPRESS 小迷宫时间减少 1 Seashell×1 - DLC

名字 效果 容量需求 必要素材 必要条件 获得方法
Escape Anywhere 从战场任意点逃跑 128 Venomous Cloth×2
Prime Cut Dogoo×1
- 第4章:大地图信息收集Suzutaku
100% Escape 必定逃跑 256 Phantom Bird Wing×1
$ Cello×2
- Stella小游戏通过Dimension Reward
Negative Status Reduced 负面状态减弱 256 Big Boom Shell×1
Horsebird Tail×2
- 第4章:大地图信息收集Yoshioka
Super EXE Drive 加速EXE累积 512 Alloy Plate×1 - 第4章:大地图信息收集Blogger
Break Damage Limit 伤害限界突破 512 6-fold Magic Damp.×1 - Self-Defense System掉落 Arfoire's Factory
Fortify Enemies 强化敌人 16 Hoinin Tentacles×2 - 第2章:大地图信息收集Yoshioka
Weaken Enemies 弱化敌人 16 Spider Web×2 - 第2章:大地图信息收集Suzutaku

名字 効果 容量需求 必要素材 必要条件 获得方法
Virtua Forest 道具变化 16 Radisher Leaf×2 - 第1章:信息收集Cat Planeptune
Darkness 60 迷宫追加 16 Horsebird Wing×2
Grand Jelly×2
- Virtua Forest宝箱
迷宫变化 16 Magic Stone×1
Purple Block×4
- 第2章:信息收集Newbie Hunter Lastation
道具变化 16 Illegal Chip×2 - 第1章:信息收集Mr. Billy Planeptune(迷宫做成后)
Virtua Forest - Depths 迷宫变化 16 Blaze Claws×1
Illegal ROM×3
- Severed Dimension - Depths隐藏宝箱
道具变化 16 Piranha Petal×2 - 第1章:信息收集Mr. Eno Planeptune
Rebeat Resort 强敌追加 16 Earth Ripper×1
Dot Antenna×2
Fungus's Spores×2
- 第2章:信息收集Luciel Lastation
道具变化 16 Green Plate×2 - 第2章:信息收集Cat Lastation
迷宫变化 1 Old Dragon...Orb×1 - DLC
Endless Zone 强敌追加 16 Large Pincer×1
Fish Skeleton×2
Bomb Fuse×2
- 第2章:信息收集D-Bag Planeptune
道具变化 16 Bomb Fuse×2 - 第2章:信息收集Vestige of Darkness Lastation
迷宫变化 1 God Soul×1 - DLC
Midcompany 迷宫变化 16 Proxyon Play×1
Pachimon Circuit×2
Horsebird Tail×2
- Atari Marsh - Depths宝箱
强敌追加 16 Shampuru Ear×1
Small Conductor×2
Orange Jelly×3
- 第2章:信息收集Keeper Lastation
道具变化 16 Block Nose×2 - 第2章:信息收集Takanashi Pro Lastation
Septent Resort 迷宫变化 16 Ancient Shell×1
Invisible Ribbonx4
- LAN Castle - Depths隐藏宝箱
强敌追加 16 Premium Jelly×1
Block Nose×2
Water-Soluble Cloth×3
- 第2章:信息收集Kimizu Nana Lastation
道具变化 16 Blue Petal×2 - 第2章:信息收集Cat Lastation
Lowee Global Expo 迷宫变化 16 2WIN Stick×1
Phantom Wing×2
Bomb Fuse×2
- 第3章Midcompany剧情BOSS掉落
强敌追加 16 Pachimon Circuit×1
Pink Ribbon×3
Dot Ears×3
- 第2章:信息收集Sir Toichi Planeptune
道具变化 16 Kupokitty Claws×2 - 第2章:信息收集Slayer Lastation
World Labyrinth 迷宫变化 16 Behemoth Claws×1
Lost Holy Cloth×3
- Icicle Pathway宝箱
强敌追加 16 Freezing Claws×1
Crystal Skull×2
- 第2章:信息收集Spelunker Lowee
道具变化 16 Round Antenna×2 - 第2章:信息收集Hot-Blooded Merc Lowee
Gapain Field 迷宫变化 16 Old Dragon...Horn×1
Flamin' Bone×3
Whirling Tail×2
- LANCastle宝箱
强敌追加 16 Dragon Soul×1
Bloody Boomerang×3
Pumpkin Lantern×2
- 第2章:信息收集Announcer Leanbox
道具变化 16 Bird's Bronze Crown×1 - 第2章:信息收集Cat Leanbox
Underverse 迷宫变化 16 Soul Contract×3
Stinky Mud×3
- Arfoire's Factory隐藏宝箱
强敌追加 16 Iron Shell×1
Sunflowery Seed×2
Plumindigo Piece×3
- 第2章:信息收集Toady Lowee
道具变化 16 Heat Cloth×2 - 第2章:信息收集Vestige of Darkness Leanbox
Severed Dimension 迷宫变化 16 Flash Card×1
Disc Shard×3
- Gamindustri Graveyard宝箱
强敌追加 16 ASCII Bond×3
Bomb Lips×3
- 第3章:信息收集Gramp Monster Lowee
道具变化 16 Heart Frames×2 - 第3章:信息收集Jimmy Lowee
Iris Field 强敌追加 16 Evil Ripper×1
Heretical Jelly×3
Meow Claws×3
- 第3章:信息收集Gramp Monster Lowee
道具变化 16 Soccer Ball×2 - 第3章:信息收集Cat Leanbox
迷宫变化 1 Magic Shell×1 - DLC
Atari Marsh 强敌追加 16 Holy Whale Ball×1
Rainbow Wing×3
- 第3章:信息收集Mr. Eno Lastation
道具变化 16 Matango's Spores×2 - 第3章:信息收集Mr. Eno Planeptune
Gamindustri Graveyard 强敌追加 16 Disc Shard×3
Phantom Wing×3
Magical Stone×3
- 第4章:信息收集Luciel Lastation
道具变化 16 Venom Ribbon×2 - 第4章:信息收集Cat Planeptune
Arfoire's Factory 强敌追加 16 Alloy Plate×1
Mysterious Petal×3
Calico Whisker×3
- 第5章:信息收集Lint Anamiya Lastation
道具变化 16 Rainbow Petal×2 - 第5章:信息收集Glasses Girl Planeptune
LAN Castle 迷宫变化 16 Cool Boxbird Wing×3
Red Block×3
- 第7章Infinite Corridor剧情BOSS掉落
强敌追加 16 6-fold Magic Damp.×1
Fire Crystal×3
Shadow Ribbon×2
- 第5章:信息收集Snake Hayter Lastation
道具变化 16 Whirling Tail×2 - 第5章:信息收集D-Bag Planeptune
LAN Castle - Underground 强敌追加 16 Small Whale Ball×1
Metal Jelly×1
Lethal Spider Web×4
- 第7章:信息收集Newbie Hunter Lastation
道具变化 16 Lethal Spider Web×2 - 第7章:信息收集Cat Planeptune
Icicle Pathway 强敌追加 16 Ancient Shell×1
Slippery Wing×3
Bird's Kingly Crown×2
- 第7章:信息收集Voyager Leanbox
道具变化 16 Bird's Kingly Crown×1
Newly Laid Egg×1
- 第7章:信息收集2D Dude Planeptune
Infinite Corridor 强敌追加 16 Lava Rock Shell×1
Cell Antenna×3
Blue Plate×3
- 第7章:信息收集Hot-Blooded Merc Leanbox
道具变化 16 Red Block×2 - 第7章:信息收集Saturn Shiro Planeptune
Junk Box 强敌追加 16 Plam-met Piece×3
Invisible Cloth×3
Quality Dolphin Tail×2
- 第7章:信息收集Luciel Lastation
道具变化 16 Stalking Stalk×2 - 第7章:信息收集Cat Planeptune
PowerLevel Island 迷宫追加 16 Magic Dampener×1
Lion's Mane×3
- World Labyrinth - 2nd Fl.隐藏宝箱
强敌追加 16 Crab Shell×1
Magic Stone×3
Watermelon Skin×3
- 第2章:信息收集Snake Hayter(2周目) Lastation(迷宫做成后)
迷宫变化 16 Horsebird Mane×2
Space Antenna×2
- Panan Jungle隐藏宝箱
道具变化 16 Wicked Heart×2 - 第2章:信息收集Newbie Hunter(2周目) Lastation(迷宫做成后)
Panan Jungle 迷宫追加 16 Black Die×3
Strong Thread×3
- 第2章:信息收集Veteran Hunter(2周目) Lastation
强敌追加 16 Megaton Shell×1
Red Block×3
Horsebird Mane×3
- 第2章:信息收集Kimizu Nana(2周目) Lastation(迷宫做成后)
道具变化 16 Space Antenna×2 - 第2章:信息收集Voyager Leanbox(2周目) Leanbox(迷宫做成后)
Lost Ruins 迷宫追加 16 Crab Shell×1
Carroteer Leaf×3
Bird's Kingly Crown×2
- Panan Jungle隐藏宝箱
强敌追加 16 Hell's Mane×1
Firm Block Nose×2
Cat Gloves×2
- 第2章:信息收集Gramp Monster(2周目) Lowe(迷宫做成后)
道具变化 16 Nice Antenna×2 - 第2章:信息收集Vestige of Darkness(2周目) Leanbox(迷宫做成后)
Hellfire Hollow 迷宫追加 16 Hell's Mane×1
Cat Gloves×3
- Lost Ruins隐藏宝箱
强敌追加 16 Old Dragon...Ball×1
Bomb Beards×5
- 第2章:信息收集Spelunker(2周目) Lowee(迷宫做成后)
道具变化 16 Bomb Beards×1 - 第2章:信息收集P2(2周目) Leanbox(迷宫做成后)
Sublie Road 迷宫追加 16 Old Dragon...Ball×1
Bomb Beards×3
Nice Antenna×4
- Hellfire Hollow隐藏宝箱
强敌追加 16 Rare Plate×1
Pronged Magic Damp.×1
- 第2章:信息收集Mr. Akai(2周目) Lowee(迷宫做成后)
道具变化 16 碟片:Stage Editor×1 - 第2章:信息收集Cat(2周目) Planeptune(迷宫做成后)
Trinity Marsh 迷宫追加 16 Rare Plate×1
God Soul×1
- Sublie Road隐藏宝箱
强敌追加 16 Magic Shell×1
Old Dragon...Ball×1
- 第2章:信息收集Maryo(2周目) Lowee(迷宫做成后)
道具变化 16 Old Dragon...Orb×2 - 第2章:信息收集Luciel(2周目) Lastation(迷宫做成后)

做成道具 容量需求 必要素材 必要条件 PLAN入手方法
Healing Pod 1 Herb×3
Orange Jelly×2
Blue Petal×3
- Stella小游戏通过Septent Resort
Healing Drink 1 Glowgrass×3
Pumpkin Lantern×2
Red Seed×2
- Frost Turtle掉落 Iris Field
Healing Bottle 1 Glowgrass×5
Refresh Herb×2
Bird's Bronze Crown×3
- 竞技场
Nep Bull 1 Herb×3
Dogoo Jelly×2
Yellow Petal×2
- 第1章剧情
Nep Bull C 1 Herb×7
Ice Stone×4
Heretical Jelly×4
- Underverse隐藏宝箱
Nep Bull SP 1 Glowgrass×7
Refresh Herb×5
Invisible Ribbon×3
- LAN Castle - Underground宝箱
Nep Bull EX-II 1 Refresh Herb x5 Horsebird Mane x2 Red Seed x2 百合值Neptune8以上 Stella小游戏通过Panan Jungle
Speical Drink C 1 Herb x6 Green Block x2 Red Petal x3 百合值Compa2以上 Rebeat Resort隐藏宝箱
Special Drink H 1 Glowgrass x6 Rainbow Petal x2 Eggplanter Pit x3 百合值Compa4以上 Poison Horsebird掉落 Atari Marsh - Depths
Compa's Emergency Kit 1 World Tree Leaf x3 Invisible Cloth x3 Lethal Spider Web x2 百合值Compa6以上 第6章:信息收集Compa Planeptune
P・SP Charger 1 Herb x6 Dolphin Tail x1 Lion's Mane x2 百合值Uni4以上 Lowee Global Expo East宝箱
P・SP Charger 2 1 Refresh Herb x6 Grand Jelly x5 Metal Jelly x2 百合值Uni6以上 第6章:信息收集Uni Lastation
Hero Drink 1 Herb x6 Healing Herb x6 Bird's Kingly Crown x2 - Stella小游戏通过Gapain Field
Hero Drink C 1 Refresh Herb x6 Crimson Stone x5 Yellow Seed x2 - Gamindustri Graveyard隐藏宝箱
Paralaxin 1 Healing Herb x2 Radisher Leaf x2 Blue Ribbon x2 - Rebeat Resort宝箱
Reflex 1 Healing Herb x4 Seashell x2 Piranha Petal x1 - Midcompany隐藏宝箱
Tuffmil 1 Healing Herb x6 Model 4 Base x4 Fish Skeleton x3 - ASCII Crchestra掉落 Severed Dimension
Anti-Venom 1 Healing Herb x3 Fungus's Spores x2 Gang Mask x3 百合值IF2以上 Midcompany宝箱
Anti-Paralysis 1 Healing Herb x5 Water-Soluble Cloth x3 Pink Ribbon x2 百合值IF4以上 Lowee Global Expo East宝箱
Anti-Seal 1 Healing Herb x5 Illegal Memory x1 Purple Block x3 百合值IF6以上 Lowee Global Expo West宝箱
Anti-Virus 1 Glowgrass x5 Data Crystal x3 Round Antenna x3 百合值IF8以上 World Labyrinth - 1st Fl.宝箱
Panacea 1 Herb x4 Refresh Herb x4 Hoodlum Mask x1 - Stella小游戏通过Atari Marsh
Super Panacea 1 Refresh Herb x4 Matango's Spores x3 Ganglord Mask x2 - Infinite Corridor宝箱
INT Booster 1 Model 4 Base x4 Green Plate x3 Block Nose x4 百合值5pb.2以上 第3章:信息收集5pb. Leanbox
INT Booster Z 1 Maoni Base x3 Mottled Antenna x3 File Crystal x4 百合值5pb.4以上 第3章:信息收集5pb. Leanbox
AGI Booster 1 Model 4 Base x4 Square Eyeglasses x4 Hoinin Tentacles x2 - 第3章:信息收集Cave leanbox
AGI Booster Z 1 Maoni Base x3 Illegal Conductor x4 File Crystal x3 - 第3章:信息收集Cave Leanbox
STR Booster 1 Model 4 Base x5 Earth Ripper x2 Bomb Fuse x2 - 第3章:信息收集Falcom Lastation
STR Booster Z 1 Maoni Base x3 Freezing Claws x2 File Crystal x2 - 第4章:信息收集Falcom Lastation
Life Fragment 1 Herb x4 Dogoo Jelly x3 - Virtua Forest宝箱
Energy Fragment 1 Glowgrass x5 Plum-met Piece x3 Buff Stone x2 - Severed Dimension - Depths宝箱
Energy Lump 1 World Tree Leaf x3 Newly Laid Egg x3 Carroteer Leaf x3 - 竞技场
Revival Pencil 1 Glowgrass x5 World Tree Leaf x2 Paralysis Web x2 - Arfoire's Factory隐藏宝箱
Revival Pen 1 World Tree Leaf x5 Tiamat Horn x2 Black Die x3 - 竞技场
Eject Button 1 Rock x3 Spider Web x1 Carboard x2 - Darkness 60宝箱

做成道具 容量需求 必要素材 必要条件 PLAN入手方法
Beam Cutlass 1 Model 4 Base×2
Dot Antenna×2
Illegal Chip×1
- Midcompany宝箱
Beam Buster Neo 1 I Flute×3
$ Violin×3
$ Cello×3
- Severed Dimension宝箱
Gramblaze 1 Evil Ripper×1
Crimson Stone×4
Magic Dampener×1
- Arfoire's Factory宝箱
Heisen Slay 2 Yellow Block×3
Crimson Stone×6
Erde Crystal×3
- Panan Jungle宝箱
Railgun 1 Data Crystal×3
Plumindigo Piece×2
Calico Whisker×4
- Gamindustri Graveyard宝箱
Sniper Rifle 1 Data Crystal×4
Disc Shard×1
Shadow Ribbon×4
- 3章剧情BOSS掉落
Vintage Rifle 1 Fish Fossil×3
Model 4 Base×5
Dancing Controller×1
- 竞技场
Linear Railgun 2 Viasual Memory 16X×1
- 竞技场
Green Wand 1 Wind Stone×3
Piece of Concrete×2
Venomous Cloth×3
- Atari Marsh - Depths宝箱
Melee Pencil 1 Dolphin Check Tail×1
Gelid Stone×4
- 竞技场
Blue Wand 1 Plom-met Piece×1
Gold Ore×2
- 竞技场
Black Wand 2 Dragon Fang×1
Space Antenna×5
Orichalcum Plate×2
- 竞技场
Green Staff 1 Wind Stone×4
Piece of Concrete×3
Venom Ribbon×2
- Atari Marsh - Depths宝箱
Dogoo Pencil 1 Blue Plate×2
Iron Concrete×3
Yellow Block×3
- 竞技场
Yellow Staff 1 Firm Block Nose×3
Copper Ore×5
Dense Earth Stone×4
- 竞技场
Black Staff 2 Behemoth Claws×1
Carroteer Leaf×4
Visual Memory 8X×1
- 竞技场
Unbranded Katana 1 Black Die×3
Crest Stone×4
Iron Ore×5
- LAn Castle - Underground宝箱
Demon Blade Curse 1 Stalking Stalk×2
Dense Earth Stone×3
Iron Ore×5
- Junk Box宝箱
Excalibur 1 Orichalcum×5
Memory of That Day×1
- 竞技场
Laevateinn 1 Square Eyeglasses×5
Erde Crystal×4
Evil Eye×1
- 竞技场
Kiryu Sword 4 Horsebird Mane×2
Dragon Soul×1
God Soul×1
- 竞技场
Dragon Slayer 1 Gelid Stone×3
Dragon Claws×1
Leo's Mane×3
- 竞技场
Elysdeon 1 Bird's Silver Crown×3
Silver Ore×4
Gaea Stone×2
- 竞技场
Durandal 4 Dragon Fang×1
2WIN Stick×1
Crimson Stone×4
- 竞技场
Iron Lance 1 Iron Ore×3
Copper Ore×3
Crest Stone×3
- 竞技场
Gungnir 4 Sea God Tail×1
World Tree Leaf×5
D. Cast Gun×1
- 竞技场
Bladed Hammer 1 Rock×6
Iron Concrete×3
Gold Ore×3
- 竞技场
CPU Crusher 4 Behemoth Claws×1
Proxyon Play×1
Tough Replay×1
- 竞技场
Gigatoxin 1 Tokimeki×2
Blue Block×3
Sunflowery Seed×2
- 竞技场
Splashing Acid 1 Blue Seed×2
Ice Stone×4
- LAN Castle - Depths宝箱
Mutant Blood 4 Teppachi×4
Watermelon Skin×4
Reaction Play×1
- 竞技场
Venom Claw Neo 1 Sea Bead×2
Data Crystal×4
Bomb Lips×2
- Severed Dimension宝箱
Numbing Claw Neo 1 Thermodite×3
Meow Claws×2
- Iris Field宝箱
Bloody Claw 1 Copper Ore×3
Venomous Spider Web×2
Wriggling Tail×2
- 竞技场
King's Claw 4 Red Block×3
Storm Stone×5
- 竞技场
Silver Toy Set 1 Soccer Ball×2
Whirling Tail×2
Wind Stone×3
- Gamindustri Graveyard宝箱
Royal Toy Set 4 Plam-met Piece×5
Data Crystal×6
- 竞技场
Happy Majin Gapps 1 Gale Stone×2
Crimson Stone×2
Red Block×3
- Atari Marsh - Depths宝箱
Angry Gema 2 Gale Stone×2
Gelid Stone×2
Blue Plate×2
- Arfoire's Factory宝箱
Laughing Gema 4 Watermelon Skin×4
Fish Fossil×2
Rare Plate×1
- 竞技场
Grand Dragonslayer 2 Dragon Fang×2
Strong Thread×2
- 第8章:信息收集Newbie Hunter
Angel Feather 2 Peace Badge×1
Soft Wolf Fur×3
- 第8章:信息收集Luciel
Magic Twins 2 Behemoth Claws×1
Magical Contract×3
- 第8章:信息收集Keeper
Hebi 2 Ancient...Thing×1
Magical Beak×3
- 第8章:信息收集Mr. Billy
B.K. Tekken Deity 2 Megaton Shell×1
Hard-met Piece×3
- 第8章:信息收集Saturn Shiro
PLA-00/BL 1 Shattered Disc×2
Lethal Spider Web×1
Iron Ore×3
- 竞技场
Broom 1 Rock×5
Plom-met Piece×4
Cell Antenna×4
- 竞技场
V-000/BL 4 Magic Stone×1
Race Controller×1
Guitar Controller×1
- 竞技场

做成道具 容量需求 必要素材 必要条件 PLAN入手方法
Time Bangle 1 Stellar Frames×2
Small Conductor×2
- World Labyrinth - 1st Fl.宝箱
hades Bangle 1 llegal ROM x3 Thermodite x2 Blaze Claws x1 - Iris Field宝箱
Goddess Bangle 1 File Crystal x2 Plaid Dolphin Tail x1 Moonlight Shadow x2 - LAN Castle宝箱
V Crystal 8 Rare Plate x1 Electric Fin x1 - Stella小游戏通过Hellfire Hollow
Hunter's Charm 8 Rare Plate×1
Fancy Jelly×1
- Stella小游戏通过Hellfire Hollow
Blaze Emblem 8 Magic Shell×1
God Soul×1
- Stella小游戏通过Sublie Road
Triangle Force 8 Magic Shell x1 Pronged Magic Damp. x1 - Stella小游戏通过Sublie Road
Monkey Bracelet 4 Newly Laid Egg x2 Plam-met Piece x2 File Crystal x4 - Junk Box宝箱
White Kitty Strap 4 Bird's Bronze Crown x3 Piece of Concrete x3 Silver Ore x5 - Infinite Corridor宝箱
Shiitake Bracelet 4 Rock x4 S. Plum-met Piece x3 Copper Ore x5 - LAN Castle - Underground宝箱
Nunchuk Strap 4 Invisible Ribbon x3 Iron Concrete x3 Silver Ore x5 - Icicle Pathway宝箱
Trapezohedron 8 Fishing Controller×1
Flash Card×1
Alloy Plate×1
- Panan Jungle宝箱
LL Ring 1 Tainted Claw x1 Trigger x1 Burning Petal x5 - DLC
Vita Ring 1 Tainted Claw x1 Trigger x1 Conductive Scale x5 -
V Crystal Ring 1 Tainted Claw x1 Frozen Pinion x1 Ice Crystal x5 -
Pop-up Ring 1 Tainted Claw x1 Frozen Pinion x1 Purple Something x5 -
Nurse Badge 1 Fire Scissors x1 Bruised Ears x1 Digital Feather x5 Golden Tooth x5 - DLC
Tome of Darkness 1 Large Soft Lump x1 Bruised Ears x1 Dangerous S※○△x5 Insane Contract x5 -
Round Ring 1 Eggplant Top x1 Colorful Pinion x4 - DLC
Black Cat Ring 1 Magic Dampener Neo x1 Diamond Crystal x4 -
Shining Ring 1 Demon Wolf Eyes x1 Sharp Wolf Fang x4 -
U Ring 1 Demon Wolf Eyes x1 Fantasy Pollen x4 -

做成道具 容量需求 必要素材 必要条件 PLAN入手方法
White Pigment 1 White Ears x2 - Midcompany宝箱
Black Pigment 1 Black Gel Feeler x2 -
Light Blue Pigment 1 Blue Pigment x2 White Pigment x2 -
Green Pigment 1 Blue Pigment x2 Yellow Pigment x2 -
Purple Pigment 1 Red Pigment x2 Blue Pigment x2 -
Orange Pigment 1 Orange Jelly x2 -
Blue Pigment 1 Blue Petal x2 -
Pink Pigment 1 Red Pigment x2 White Pigment x2 -
Red Pigment 1 Red Petal x2 -
Yellow Pigment 1 Yellow Petal x2 -

做成道具 容量需求 必要素材 必要条件 PLAN入手方法
MaidH 2 Pink Plate x4 Black Ribbon x3 White Ears x5 - Gamindustri Graveyard宝箱
MaidS 2 Ice Stone x4 Heat Cloth x3 Meowvader Whisker x5 - LAN Castle宝箱
MaidW 2 Wind Stone x4 ASCII Bond x1 Horsebird Tail x1 - LAN Castle宝箱
MaidB 2 Heart Frames 2 Horsebird Wing 1 Square Eyeglasses 2 - LAN Castle宝箱
MaidL 2 Seashell x3 File Crystal x3 Thermodite x4 - Arfoire's Factory宝箱
Judge H 4 Cell Antenna x3 Orichalcum x4 World Tree Leaf x3 - 第5章剧情BOSS掉落
Judge S 4 Storm Stone x5 Dragon Claws x1 Erde Crystal x4 - 第6章:信息收集Compa Planeptune
Judge W 4 Plaid Dolphin Tail x1 Pirate Ball x1 Dense Earth Stone x5 - 第5章:信息收集IF Planeptune
Judge B 4 Pronged Magic Damp. x1 Copper Ore x4 Model 4 Base x4 - 第4章剧情BOSS掉落
Judge L 4 ASCII Bond x1 Sea Bead x4 Gold Ore x4 - 第7章剧情BOSS掉落
Brave H 4 Shattered Disc x3 Iron Ore x4 Data Crystal x2 - 第5章:信息收集Noire Lastation
Brave S 4 Earth Ripper x1 Huge Pirate Ball x1 Model 4 Base x5 - 第6章:信息收集Uni Lastation
Brave W 4 Gold Ore x5 Invisible Cloth x3 Dolphin Check Tail x1 - 第5章:信息收集Noire Lastation
Brave B 4 Flerodite x5 Evil Ripper x1 Hard Cover x1 - 第5章剧情BOSS掉落
Brave L 4 Orichalcum x3 Blaze Claws x1 Behemoth Claws x1 - 第7章剧情BOSS掉落
Trick H 4 S. Plum-met Piece x4 Grand Jelly x2 Ling Base x5 - 第5章:信息收集Rom Lowee
Trick S 4 Rock x4 Iron Concrete x4 Stalking Stalk x3 - 第7章:信息收集Blanc Lowee
Trick W 4 Iron Ore x3 Dolphin Tail x1 Iron Pipe x1 - 第6章:信息收集Blanc Lowee
Trick B 4 Horsebird Tail x1 Bird's Silver Crown x3 Model 4 Base x3 - 第5章剧情BOSS掉落
Trick L 4 Freezing Claws x1 Iron Concrete x4 Gaea Stone x4 - 第7章剧情BOSS掉落
Magic H 4 Model 4 Base x4 Frostimadite x4 Space Antenna x3 - 第5章:信息收集Neptune Planeptune
Magic S 4 Erde Crystal x5 Dragon Fang x1 Horsebird Mane x2 - 第6章:信息收集Neptune Planeptune
Magic W 4 New Magic Dampener x1 Magic Stone x2 Crest Stone x4 - 第5章剧情BOSS掉落
Magic B 4 Ling Base x4 Sea God Tail x1 Fish Fossil x4 - 第7章剧情BOSS掉落
Magic L 4 Seashell x5 Firm Block Nose x3 Square Eyeglasses x3 - 第7章剧情BOSS掉落
Compile Heart H 8 Arfoire Crystal x1 Nurse Intern Cap x1 Data Crystal x2 - 竞技场
Compile Heart S 8 Arfoire Crystal x1 White Ribbon x1 Model 4 Base x5 -
Compile Heart W 8 Arfoire Crystal x1 Nurse Cap x1 Dolphin Check Tail x1 -
Compile Heart B 8 Arfoire Crystal x1 Reaction Play x1 Hard Cover x1 -
Compile Heart L 8 Arfoire Crystal x1 Guitar Controller x1 Behemoth Claws x1 -
Delphinus H 8 Delphinus Crystal x1 Dark Soul x1 Ling Base x5 - 竞技场
Delphinus S 8 Delphinus Crystal x1 Tough Replay x1 Stalking Stalk x3 -
Delphinus W 8 Delphinus Crystal x1 Visual Memory 8x x1 Iron Pipe x1 -
Delphinus B 8 Delphinus Crystal x1 Visual Memory 16x x1 Model 4 Base x3 -
Delphinus L 8 Delphinus Crystal x1 Dancing Controller x1 Gaea Stone x4 -
DX Silver C 2 Black Pigment x5 Stone Gray C x1 Small Conductor x5 - stella小游戏通过LAN Castle
DX Silver H 2 Black Pigment x5 Stone Gray H x1 Shattered Disc x5 -
DX Silver S 2 Black Pigment x5 Stone Gray S x1 Magical Stone x5 -
DX Silver W 2 Black Pigment x5 Stone Gray W x1 Peace Badge x1 -
DX Silver B 2 Black Pigment x5 Stone Gray B x1 Rainbow Wing x5 -
DX Silver L 2 Black Pigment x5 Stone Gray L x1 Mithril Ore x5 -
NTD-64 C 2 White Pigment x5 Base White C x1 Small Conductor x5 - Stella小游戏通过Infinite Corridor
NTD-64 H 2 White Pigment x5 Base White H x1 Shattered Disc x5 -
NTD-64 S 2 White Pigment x5 Base White S x1 Magical Stone x5 -
NTD-64 W 2 White Pigment x5 Base White W x1 Peace Badge x1 -
NTD-64 B 2 White Pigment x5 Base White B x1 Rainbow Wing x5 -
NTD-64 L 2 White Pigment x5 Base White L x1 Mithril Ore x5 -
X-Round C 2 Green Pigment x5 X-Build C x1 Small Conductor x5 - Stella小游戏通过Icicle Pathway
X-Round H 2 Green Pigment x5 X-Build H x1 Shattered Disc x5 -
X-Round S 2 Green Pigment x5 X-Build S x1 Magical Stone x5 -
X-Round W 2 Green Pigment x5 X-Build W x1 Peace Badge x1 -
X-Round B 2 Green Pigment x5 X-Build B x1 Rainbow Wing x5 -
X-Round L 2 Green Pigment x5 X-Build L x1 Mithril Ore x5 -
Orbital C 2 Black Pigment x5 6-fold Magic Damp. x1 Magical Fragment x3 - 支配结局Lastation掉落
(Black Tome)
Orbital H 2 Black Pigment x5 Newbie Nurse Cap x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Orbital S 2 Black Pigment x5 Alloy Plate x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Orbital W 2 Black Pigment x5 Hell's Mane x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Orbital B 2 Black Pigment x5 Holy Whale Ball x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Orbital L 2 Black Pigment x5 Lava Rock Shell x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
W11 C 2 White Pigment x5 6-fold Magic Damp. x1 Magical Fragment x3 - 支配结局Lowee掉落
(White Tome)
W11 H 2 White Pigment x5 Newbie Nurse Cap x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
W11 S 2 White Pigment x5 Alloy Plate x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
W11 W 2 White Pigment x5 Hell's Mane x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
W11 B 2 White Pigment x5 Holy Whale Ball x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
W11 L 2 White Pigment x5 Lava Rock Shell x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Double Round C 2 Green Pigment x5 6-fold Magic Damp. x1 Magical Fragment x3 - 支配结局Vert掉落
(Green Tome)
Double Round H 2 Green Pigment x5 Newbie Nurse Cap x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Double Round S 2 Green Pigment x5 Alloy Plate x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Double Round W 2 Green Pigment x5 Hell's Mane x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Double Round B 2 Green Pigment x5 Holy Whale Ball x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Double Round L 2 Green Pigment x5 Lava Rock Shell x1 Magical Fragment x3 -
Angel C 2 White Pigment x5 Magic Dampener x1 Phantom Wing x3 - Cuberial掉落 Severed Dimension
(Angelic Tome)
Angel H 2 White Pigment x5 Dolphin Tail x1 Phantom Wing x3 -
Angel S 2 White Pigment x5 Pachimon Circuit x1 Phantom Wing x3 -
Angel W 2 White Pigment x5 Freezing Claws x1 Phantom Wing x3 -
Angel B 2 White Pigment x5 Whale Ball x1 Phantom Wing x3 -
Angel L 2 White Pigment x5 Ancient Shell x1 Phantom Wing x3 -
Devil C 2 Black Pigment x5 Magic Dampener x1 Phantom Wing x3 - Rukh掉落 Underverse
(Demonic Tome)
Devil H 2 Black Pigment x5 Dolphin Tail x1 Phantom Wing x3 -
Devil S 2 Black Pigment x5 Pachimon Circuit x1 Phantom Wing x3 -
Devil W 2 Black Pigment 5 Freezing Claws 1 Phantom Wing 3 -
Devil B 2 Black Pigment x5 Whale Ball x1 Phantom Wing x3 -
Devil L 2 Black Pigment x5 Ancient Shell x1 Phantom Wing x3 -

碟片名 获得条件 黄Lv 蓝Lv 红Lv
Cassette 第1章:信息收集 1 - -
Disc Card 第2章:信息收集 - 1 2
DL-ROM 第3章:信息收集 5 - -
Large USB 第4章:信息收集 4 5 1
Green Disc 第5章:信息收集 3 5 4
Floppy Disk 第1章:信息收集 1 1 -
Cassette 2 第2章:信息收集 1 2 -
Disc Card B Large Medal A 2 1 -
Disc Card D Large Medal B 1 2 -
DC-ROM Large Medal C 2 3 -
Gold Disc Large Medal D - 2 3
Mega ROM Large Medal E 1 4 -
Media Card Large Medal F 1 1 4
NO Disc Large Medal G 2 4 4
USB Memory Large Medal H 3 4 4
108 M ROM Large Medal I 1 1 5
Self DIsc Large Medal J 1 5 -
VDD-ROM Large Medal K 2 3 4
SE Card Large Medal L 4 3 -
Flash Mem Large Medal M - 4 4
108 G ROM Large Medal N 3 3 5
2 Layer VDD Large Medal O 2 4 5
Mem Stick Large Medal P - 5 3
Ext HDD Large Medal Q 5 - 5
Blue Disc Large Medal R 3 4 5
Red Disc Large Medal S 5 4 3
Tera Disc Large Medal T 4 4 5
Ext SDD Large Medal U 5 3 5
Super USB Large Medal V 4 4 4
SD Media Large Medal W 4 4 4
Purple Ray Large Medal X 1 5 5
Infinidisc 收集到全部Large Medal 5 5 5

芯片名称 入手条件 Lv 效果
Strategic Smarts LAN Castle变化后采集 5 攻击敌人获得EXE量+25%
RPG 1 被敌人攻击获得exe量Lv1
Shooting RPG 2 被敌人攻击获得exe量Lv2
Action RPG 3 被敌人攻击获得exe量Lv3
Adventure RPG 4 被敌人攻击获得exe量Lv4
Strategy RPG 5 被敌人攻击获得exe量Lv5
Shooter 3 Act Fast Lv1
Light Gun 4 Act Fast Lv2
Bullet Hell Lost Ruins采集 5 Act Fast Lv3
Sports 1 会心率+Lv1
Golf 2 会心率+Lv2
Racing 3 会心率+Lv3
Soccer 4 会心率+Lv4
Baseball 5 会心率+Lv5
Adventure 1 消费SP下降Lv1
Novel 2 消费SP下降Lv2
Girl Game 3 消费SP下降Lv3
Maiden Game 4 消费SP下降Lv4
Pretty Girl Game 5 消费SP下降Lv5
Board Games 1 技能封印赋予Lv1
Mahjong 2 技能封印赋予Lv2
Quiz 3 技能封印赋予Lv3
Puzzle/Logic 4 技能封印赋予Lv4
Party 5 技能封印赋予Lv5
Arcade 1 毒赋予Lv1
Port 2 毒赋予Lv2
Series 3 毒赋予Lv3
Fan Disc 4 毒赋予Lv4
Remake 5 毒赋予Lv5
Simulation 1 变身后消费SP-Lv1
Pachinko 2 变身后消费SP-Lv2
Strategy 3 变身后消费SP-Lv3
Battle Strategy 4 变身后消费SP-Lv4
Business Sim Iris Field变化后采集 5 变身后消费SP-Lv5
Action 1 麻痹赋予Lv1
Stealth 2 麻痹赋予Lv2
Fighting 3 麻痹赋予Lv3
Crime Action 4 麻痹赋予Lv4
Hunting 5 麻痹赋予Lv5
Infrared Comm. 3 毒无效
LAN Party PowerLevel Island迷宫变化后采集 3 技能封印无效
1-Player Online 3 病毒无效
MO 3 Ambush无效
MMO 4 麻痺无效
TPS World Labyrinth - 2nd Fl.迷宫变化后采集 5 异常状态无效

芯片名称 入手条件 Lv 效果
Idol 1 对龙类防御Lv1
Rat 2 对龙类防御Lv2
Bearded Italian 3 对龙类防御Lv3
Robot 4 对龙类防御Lv4
Famous Person 5 对龙类防御Lv5
Voice Actor 1 对幽灵系防御Lv1
Handsome Man 2 对幽灵系防御Lv2
Gorilla 3 对幽灵系防御Lv3
Zombie 4 对幽灵系防御Lv4
Tsundere 5 对幽灵系防御Lv5
Yandere 1 对昆虫类防御Lv1
Kuudere 2 对昆虫类防御Lv2
Older Man 3 对昆虫类防御Lv3
Moe Burnin' Gapain Field迷宫变化后采集 4 对昆虫类防御Lv4
Burnin' Moe 5 对昆虫类防御Lv5
Tough-yet-quiet 1 对植物类防御Lv1
Useless Hero 2 对植物类防御Lv2
Teen Makeover 3 对植物类防御Lv3
Weird Sidekick 4 对植物类防御Lv4
All-star 5 对植物类防御Lv5
Animal 1 对水生类防御Lv1
Ripped Macho 2 对水生类防御Lv2
Monster 3 对水生类防御Lv3
Silhouette 4 对水生类防御Lv4
Train 5 对水生类防御Lv5
Pixel 1 对史莱姆类防御Lv1
Photorealistic 2 对史莱姆类防御Lv2
Polygon 3 对史莱姆类防御Lv3
Anime 4 对史莱姆类防御Lv4
Pretty 3D CG 5 对史莱姆类防御Lv5
Uses Mic 1 对鸟类防御Lv1
Special Controller 2 对鸟类防御Lv2
Speical Peripheral 3 对鸟类防御Lv3
Motion Controller 4 对鸟类防御Lv4
3D 5 对鸟类防御Lv5
Free Scenario 1 对数据类防御Lv1
Custom Sound 2 对数据类防御Lv2
Color Editor 3 对数据类防御Lv3
Stage Editor Hellfire Hollow道具变化后采集 4 对数据类防御Lv4
Combined 5 对数据类防御Lv5
Kinda Pervy 1 对动物类防御Lv1
Fantasy PowerLevel Island道具变化后采集 2 对动物类防御Lv2
Sci-Fi 3 对动物类防御Lv3
Metafiction 4 对动物类防御Lv4
Horror 5 对动物类防御Lv5
Jump 1 对入侵者类防御Lv1
Shot 2 对入侵者类防御Lv2
Charge 3 对入侵者类防御Lv3
Combo Focus 4 对入侵者类防御Lv4
Super Secret Move 5 对入侵者类防御Lv5
Stupid Game 1 对机械类防御Lv1
Emotional Game 2 对机械类防御Lv2
Western Game 3 对机械类防御Lv3
Life Game 4 对机械类防御Lv4
Juvenile Game 5 对机械类防御Lv5
Non-RPG Growth 1 对非生命类防御Lv1
Hover Movement Lowee Global Expo迷宫变化后采集 2 对非生命类防御Lv2
Japanese Taste 3 对非生命类防御Lv3
All Attacks 4 对非生命类防御Lv4
Touch Controls 5 对非生命类防御Lv5
Auto-map Dungeon 1 物理防御+Lv1
Random Encounters 2 物理防御+Lv2
Symbol Encounter 3 物理防御+Lv3
Surprise Encounter 4 物理防御+Lv4
Seamless 5 物理防御+Lv5
Parameter Tweak 1 魔法防御+Lv1
Slot 2 魔法防御+Lv2
Special Gauges 3 魔法防御+Lv3
Rumble PowerLevel Island迷宫变化后采集 4 魔法防御+Lv4
DLC 5 魔法防御+Lv5
Auto Save LAN Castle道具变化后采集 4 无视怪物种类

芯片名称 入手条件 Lv 效果
Low Price 1 掉落率提高Lv1
DL Only 2 掉落率提高Lv2
Limited Edition 3 掉落率提高Lv3
Includes Videos 4 掉落率提高Lv4
Launch Atari Marsh道具变化后采集 5 掉落率提高Lv5
Big Online 1 战后HP回复Lv1
Middle School 2 战后HP回复Lv2
All Nighter 3 战后HP回复Lv3
Whatever 4 战后HP回复Lv4
Hardcore-oriented World Labyrinth - 1st Fl.迷宫变化后采集 5 战后HP回复Lv5
Casual-oriented 1 战后SP回复Lv1
Child-oriented 2 战后SP回复Lv2
Male-oriented 3 战后SP回复Lv3
Core User-oriented 4 战后SP回复Lv4
Female-oriented Gapain Field迷宫变化后采集 5 战后SP回复Lv5
Wahahahaha! 1 每回合EXE回复Lv1
Muddy 2 每回合EXE回复Lv2
Love 3 每回合EXE回复Lv3
Whoaaa! 4 每回合EXE回复Lv4
Yuriyuri World Labyrinth - 2nd Fl.迷宫变化后采集 5 每回合EXE回复Lv5
Famous Voice 1 每回合HP回复Lv1
The Hellis Allthis 2 每回合HP回复Lv2
Industry First! 3 每回合HP回复Lv3
Famous Creator 4 每回合HP回复Lv4
Famous Artist Septent Resort迷宫变化后采集 5 每回合HP回复Lv5
Niche 1 每回合SP回复Lv1
Wide Market 2 每回合SP回复Lv2
Killer Aim 3 每回合SP回复Lv3
Million Aim 4 每回合SP回复Lv4
Worldwide Trinity Marsh采集 5 每回合SP回复Lv5
Preorder Campaign 1 逃走概率提高Lv1
Special DLC Code 2 逃走概率提高Lv2
Mediamix Strategy 3 逃走概率提高Lv3
True Story,Bro 4 逃走概率提高Lv4
Console Pack-in 5 逃走概率提高Lv5
Fight 1 战后获得金钱上升Lv1
History 2 战后获得金钱上升Lv2
Investigative 3 战后获得金钱上升Lv3
Journey 4 战后获得金钱上升Lv4
War Iris Field道具变化后采集 5 战后获得金钱上升Lv5
Linear 1 战后获得经验上升Lv1
Open-ended 2 战后获得经验上升Lv2
Crazy Difficult 3 战后获得经验上升Lv3
Can't Grind 4 战后获得经验上升Lv4
Many Resets Trinity Marsh道具变化后采集 5 战后获得经验上升Lv5
Die So Fast 1 被会心一击-Lv1
Pinch Revival 2 被会心一击-Lv2
Min-Max 3 被会心一击-Lv3
Learn by Dying 4 被会心一击-Lv4
Death is The End 5 被会心一击-Lv5
Orthodox 1 百合值上升Lv1
Jargon 2 百合值上升Lv2
Nature 3 百合值上升Lv3
Near Future 4 百合值上升Lv4
Harem Iris Field道具变化后采集 5 百合值上升Lv5
Drill Infinite Corridor道具变化后采集 3 变女神时完全回复

Stella's ☆Dungeon
【Virtua Forest】
【Darkness 60】
【Virtua Forest - Depths】
【Rebeat Resort】
【Endless Zone】
【Septent Resort】
【Lowee Global Expo】
【World Labyrinth】
【Gapain Field】
【Severed Dimension】
【Iris Field】
【Atari Marsh】
【Gamindustri Graveyard】
【Arfoire's Factory】
【LAN Castle】
【Icicle Pathway】
【Infinite Corridor】
【Junk Box】
【Powerlevel Island】
【Panan Jungle】
【Lost Ruins】
【Hellfire Hollow】
【Sublie Road】
【Trinity Marsh】
【Neptral Tower】
【True Neptral Tower】


名字 HP SP STR VIT INT MEN AGI TEC LUK MOV 属性 攻击类型 入手方法 购买价格 卖出价格
Callbrand 2000 - 3650 350 3000 - 400 - 150 - - L.Slash DLC - 50000
Gate Keeper 1500 1500 3375 - 2550 300 - - 300 - - Snipe Shot DLC - 50000
Super Black Wand 3000 - 2475 250 3525 - 300 - 200 - - Breaker DLC - 50000
Black Staff EXE 3000 - 2475 250 3525 - - 300 200 - - Breaker DLC - 50000
Crystal Sword 1500 500 3900 - 3450 - 250 250 - - - Attack DLC - 50000
Ascalon - - 3400 - 2700 - - - -170 - - Attack DLC - 50000
Mistilteinn 2000 - 4000 - 3300 - - - - - - Attack DLC - 50000
Trishula - - 3300 - 3600 100 - 100 100 - - Attack DLC - 50000
Test Potion Z 1000 1000 2725 - 3272 - - 172 272 - - Please! DLC - 50000
Re Veila Esmeralda 2000 - 3048 - 2884 - 382 366 120 - - Attack DLC - 50000
Royal Toy Set - 500 2040 - 2040 - 122 143 - - - Yo-Yo PLAN开发 1000000 100000
Laughing Gema 1000 1000 2280 258 1632 - - - 129 - - Hit nyu all! PLAN开发 1000000 100000
V-000/BL - - 2004 - 2088 - - - - - - Attack PLAN开发 900000 90000
Blackwind - - 1768 - 2088 - - - - - - Attack 竞技场 - 100000
Death Dragonslayer 1250 - 2312 271 1440 - -121 271 135 - - Attack 竞技场 - 100000
Magic Blood Twins 500 500 2160 - 2100 - 246 246 123 1 - Attack 竞技场 - 100000
Yuuga 500 - 1800 - 2204 260 260 - 90 1 - L. Slash 竞技场 - 100000
B.K. True Deity 1000 600 2356 - 1180 168 - 168 - - - Jun Tsuki 竞技场 - 100000
Histoire 1000 1000 1553 225 2251 - 50 175 140 - - Shine 竞技场 - 100000
Gate Keeper Alpha 2000 - 2103 - 1760 - - - -135 - - Attack 竞技场 - 100000
Star Rod 500 2000 1400 - 2030 - 150 200 160 - - Shine 竞技场 - 100000
Elite Spear 750 1200 1838 - 2001 - 100 100 100 - - Attack 竞技场 - 100000

